SDG 17

Target Description Indicator Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection. 17.1.1 Total government revenue as a proportion of GDP, by source     17.1.2 Proportion of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes Developed countries to implement fully their official development assistance […]

SDG 16

Target Description Indicator Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere. 16.1.1 Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by sex and age     16.1.2 Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause     16.1.3 Proportion of population subjected to (a) physical violence, (b) psychological violence […]

SDG 15

Target Description Indicator By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements. 15.1.1 Forest area as a proportion of total land area     15.1.2 Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and […]

SDG 14

Target Description Indicator By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution. 14.1.1 (a) Index of coastal eutrophication; and (b) plastic debris density By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their […]

SDG 13

Target Description Indicator       Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries. 13.1.1 Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population     13.1.2 Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the […]

SDG 12

Target Description Indicator     Implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries 12.1.1 Number of countries developing, adopting or implementing policy instruments aimed at supporting the shift to sustainable consumption and […]

SDG 11

Target Description Indicator By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums. 11.1.1 Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public […]

SDG 10

Target Description Indicator By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average. 10.1.1 Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40 per cent of the population and the total population By 2030, empower and […]


Target Description Indicator Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all. 9.1.1 Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road     9.1.2 Passenger and freight volumes, by […]


Target Description Indicator Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed countries. 8.1.1 Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through […]

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