Baseline Analysis on SDGs Localisation in Pakistan

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Baseline Analysis on SDGs Localisation in Pakistan2019 UCLG-ASPAC(I-SAPS)AllPDFClick hereCase Study

This case study is based on an overarching objective of mapping and identifying possible avenues and entry points
for ensuring the Localisation of SDGs, the specific objectives of the study include:

  • Determine baseline values of the LEAD for SDGs Logical Framework
  • In order to gauge the potential role and efficacy of local governments in Localising
    and achieving SDGs agenda, provide analysis of the existing context of legal and
    policy frameworks for local government systems in the provinces of Balochistan and
    Sindh; and
  • Identify entry points and barriers at the sub-national and local levels for the Localisation of
    SDGs. Give it a read